The photo speaks, to me, of the ever-present Light ~ the Sun never disappears, though can be hidden from sight. "Light" is a metaphor for us, pointing to the Whole of which we are parts; to receive, we, as great sages have taught, allow an opening 'within' to the Light. We cannot get the Light, only receive the Light that always-is, never was.
*Brian Wilcox. "opening to the Light." Flickr.
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Awake, you sleeping the sleep of death, arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.
*Ephesians 5.14
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Life is in constant trans-form-ing no re-form-ing for nothing arising from the creativity of Life life-ing is the same as before
Christ is ever-being-born in time in the virgin moment now, here the womb receptive to Grace
so, the wise have said, "No one steps into the same river twice"
Christ is being eternally born for Christ, unlike the man Jesus, is timeless
in human relations, such as among nations and religions, re-formation is a re-turn in time, not newly born re-action back to a prior formation, denial of the virgin this, now thought a deviation from a past ideal or ideal past
not seeing 'idea-l' is only an 'idea' there is no actual ideal anything
in transformation no reactivity no regression no return to a past no rush to a future inviting constant newness, now and now and now
the Way of Life expressing Life through harmony through the freshness of each moment
seeing with new 'eyes' means seeing what is always happening alert to the present as a present given to you
this is living a Wakeful life not a spiritual transport into a non-worldly transcendence but being in communion with Life, and life neither ideal nor not-ideal
the reason we fail to see this ever-newness is partly for we place each moment into a framework fitting a like past moment
so, like Christmas, in which many celebrate the birth of Christ as that of Jesus in the past in time, an ideal past, and miss the Christ being born, now
so, rather than being here, now we can be somewhere else, that is not a somewhere at all, so experience life as stale, boring, under a compulsion to rush to the next moment never at rest within
so, those who project Christ into an ideal future fascinated with the End Time, a Second Coming missing the Coming of Christ, again and again, now
(Christ did not leave in the past, so cannot return in the future ~ any future Coming would be, yes now eternally
and great sages identify Awakening as not of time, but in time to the timeless Good, True, and Beautiful)
so, hurrying about, grabbing about lustful for experience upon experience greedy for stimulation upon stimulation to satisfy an ache for feeling alive, Life ~ this is not birth, but life among the dead, the asleep
some religious or spiritual persons will push from one 'spiritual' trip to another for such trips lead them from the unfading Glory for the trips are from here, to nowhere ~ dead ends, temporary 'spiritual' escapes
the habitual fleeing of the Glory is a form of self-perpetuation when no self exists form one moment to the next
to surrender to the Glory this Aliveness pulsating right here is the death of self that is really self-isolation
allowing space to receive, relaxing expectation of what now is or needs to be encourages openness to welcome the timeless Moment this moment ~ the entire 'spiritual' journey is a welcoming
not as a repeat of the past, however seen as ideal, but as a Gift to be celebrated a Joy to be tasted in all its Mystery
see, Mystery is not something that remains hidden Mystery is That showing Itself, birthing Itself, in our everyday, ordinary lives
so, the poet wrote, for singing in celebration, "The heavens announce the Glory of God (Kibod-El), the skies proclaim God's handiwork"
*(C) Copyright 2018. Brian K. Wilcox. Photography by Brian K. Wilcox. Move cursor over photos for more details. "The heavens announce..." is from Psalm 19.1, The Holy Bible, or Hebrew Bible (TaNaK).